Professional Liability Defense
Professionals are called upon to use their training, experience, and judgment to provide advice and guidance to their clients. Unfortunately, it is impossible to guarantee a successful outcome for every project or transaction. Every professional is faced with the possibility of a lawsuit from an unhappy client. Lawyers, designers, brokers, accountants – professionals of every discipline – are at risk. And in our increasingly litigious society, the chances are high that your business and hard-earned reputation will face a malpractice or negligence claimt. Due to the potential negative impact of reputational damage on a professional’s livelihood, these complex and sensitive claims require experienced and aggressive counsel.
The attorneys at Kamykowski & Taylor have broad experience helping professionals from a wide variety of disciplines defend themselves against allegations of professional negligence, malpractice, errors and omissions, breach of fiduciary duty, and other professional liability claims. Our representation of professionals includes insurance brokers and agents, accountants, actuaries, directors, officers, and others in the defense of professional negligence claims. Our services include not just the defense of litigation, but also legal advice, risk management, internal investigations, and assistance with related professional licensing issues.
From claims of breach of fiduciary duty to professional negligence to breach of contract, the results-driven professional liability attorneys of K&T are ready to defend your practice and reputation.

Trusted St. Louis Professional Liability Defense
Kamykowski & Taylor has a long history of providing effective legal representation for professionals facing liability and negligence lawsuits.
Our Professional Liability Attorneys Have Represented:

Insurance Agents

Insurance Brokers


Third Party Administrators


Directors & Officers
Facing A Professional Liability Lawsuit?
Call K&T Today.
No matter your field of expertise, every professional is at risk of a negligence lawsuit. Even when those claims are baseless, the charges alone can hurt your reputation and your future business prospects.
The professional liability attorneys of K&T are skilled investigators who will diligently work to uncover all relevant facts, engage appropriate experts, and mount a vigorous defense of your work.
If you are facing a professional liability suit of any kind, contact us today for a consultation.